Arriving at School
There will be an option for children to be picked up and dropped off by church bus. Please inquire for more details.
Drop off starts at 7:30. School ends at 3:00.
If you need extra time getting your kids out please park.
Please respect students and teachers by waiting patiently for your child. Do not knock on windows.
Dress Code
The dress and appearance of the students at RIVERVIEW CHRISTIAN SCHOOL should be consistent with the school’s Biblical emphasis. Therefore, we seek to glorify God and in appearance. Dress should be characterized by neatness, moderation and modesty. Students are expected to follow the Dress Code with an attitude of compliance, not attempting to push every boundary.
Schools Menu
Currently we do not have the ability to provide a cafeteria/school lunch option for students. Therefore, ALL FULL DAY students will need to bring their own lunch from home. Please be creative with lunchboxes! #bringbackcoollunchboxes
Preschoolers will have time for a mid-class snack (consult your preschool teacher on snack day sign-ups).